God is so good…. I should not be surprised when He amazes me so. It is so neat how His Word, from different sources all link together – today…..
The verse for the day…
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18)
Goes so well with other verses I have read for today…. I am doing a daily devotional in the morning – as well as other things throughout the day – when time permits. I am being so encouraged & empowered by God!!!
I could have titled today’s inspiration as – How could God use me? There are so many others who are equipped more than us – know more – studied more…. but God has chosen each of us to spread the “Good News”….. If we look at the Bible Heroes of the Faith – their great deeds they did for God can be so discouraging…. but look again – they each were sinners. They just let God use them in their weaknesses.
A good friend of mine sent me this last night – it really touches home on this subject….
If we truly believe what God says about our VALUE to Him, (more valuable than many sparrows that God clothes & feeds) our lives will be dramatically altered.
1. Believing our great value to God frees us from much hypocrisy.
– The bottom line of hypocrisy is the need for people to think more highly of us than we really are. Let’s face it. It’s easier to act than to clean up our act.
2. Believing our great value to God frees us from unnecessary fear.
– If we are in His fold and are called His friends, Christ’s word to us is this: don’t be afraid; you are worth more.
3. Believing our great value to God frees us to acknowledge Him shamelessly.
– If He is not ashamed of us, in all our imperfections, how can we be ashamed of Him, our Redeemer and our Deliverer?
4. Believing our great value to God frees us from the need for riches.
– If we believe our value to God and believe our life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions, why do we have such an abundance of possessions?
5. Believing our great value to God frees us from much worry.
– Christ’s remedy for worry is to be like the ravens and lilies–trust God to do His job.
– Am I going to trust my worries or trust God?
I pray that with this FREEDOM you can be BOLD for God – let’s spread the Good News that Jesus died on the cross for our sins!!!