I am in 3-4 different Bible studies right now. One with my life long friends, one (2) at church, 1 online (Scripture Art Journaling) and another one if you want to count our small group. It just happened that way – but I am really enjoying the different aspect of each one. This summer, I started doing the Bible Journaling – putting art (doodling) in my Bible verses. I do mine in a blank journal – I really enjoy as I am thinking about what the passage is saying – putting it into pictures as well. It is really opening up God’s Word for me. In the other Bible studies, I am doing “inductive” Bible study – coloring words in different colors – showing similarities in words etc. That is another way that is really impacting the Word Of God for me. I have been a Christian for over 35 years – I have read thru the Bible many times. The past few years, I have been listening to the Bible on my phone. It is great to see God’s Word unfold over time in a quicker way then for me to read it. It is great to see HOW God is in the lives of people!
This morning after reading thru Philippians 1 and marking more words in that chapter – I was thinking about God’s LOVE, His forgiveness. Last night in small group, we were talking about when Christ died on the cross, and He said, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” At that moment on the cross, Jesus – the Holy Triune God, took on ALL of our sins. He was separated from God at that moment – God in 3 persons was separated – for the 1st time in ALL of ETERNITY…. what anguish HE must have felt. We can NOT imagine what it was like! BUT Christ WILLINGLY did that for US…. He died so that we might live forever with God. Don’t forget that Jesus rose from the grave 3 days later – HE had VICTORY over death.
In light of this, I was thinking of a quote I had heard – “The closer I get to God, the worse I feel”. Yes – in the light of HIS HOLINESS are sinful lives become more evident. We realize that little things in our lives (little sins) are BIG sins in comparison to GOD’s holiness….. But I was thinking about how, as I get closer to God – I am so AMAZED at his GRACE and MERCY. Christ died for our sins, while we were still sinners – NOT when we were good enough. He died while we were the ickiest. We can do NOTHING to EARN God’s forgiveness. HE offers it FREELY to us – CHRIST took the payment for our sin. For God so LOVED the World (everyone), that HE GAVE HIS only SON, that whoever believes in HIM will be saved. This means everyone! Our sin is NOT greater than God’s mercy.
God is calling YOU by name!!! He wants YOU to enter His OPEN arms and receive HIS forgiveness!!! I pray that YOU come to HIM today…