Right now, our world is full of fear. A lot of people are in a panic. But God’s Word is a comfort to us during times of trouble!
Just now, I finished reading Psalm 35. I copy and paste it in Day One on my iPad. Then I “bold” (no highlight available) the words that talk about God and those that we receive from Him. It really helps me to think about all that God has done for me and is continually doing!
A lot of Psalm 35 is hard to read – it is one of those Psalms of David about being pursued from his enemy. But David declares over and over that God is his salvation – that he will rescue and deliver him. We can rest in these truths – God is with us. He cares about our day – remember He knows the number of your hair.
At the end of the Psalm, David declares: “Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of His servant!” Then my tongue shall tell of Your righteousness and of Your praise all the day long.” These were not empty words from David. He had seen God deliver him from: Goliath, lions, enemies etc. God cares about us! God is with us! God provides!
When things are doom and gloom – I listen to praise and worship music. As I hear about how God is with us, what He has done, what He is doing – my problems grow small. I don’t have to worry, because God knows, He has my back. I also need to remind myself more and more how God has provided. He has always taken care of our needs!!! So I will continue to Praise Him ALL the day long!!!
I pray that you have turned your cares to the One who cares for you. He wants you to be a part of His family. He sent His Only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. Death did not keep Jesus in the grave – He rose from the dead – He had victory over death and sin. He wants you to be part of His family today?