Mondays Motivation – September 3, 2007

Hi all,

Even though it is Tuesday – I thought I would still post my Motivation Goals for this week….

It is getting soon for my baby to appear – and I am getting a bit restless…. LOL


So how did I do last week???  Well I don’t think I did that many LO’s  – I did NOT do any of the wedding photos…. realistically I think I need to wait until AFTER the baby is born now…. LOL  I did ok on the other things, but I found out late in the week that hubby was actually OFF for the 3 days!!!  So we did some family type stuff!!!

I also have been crocheting like crazy – I found some neat baby patterns online and have been having fun!!!  I will have to take photos when I am done and put them up online!!!


This Weeks Motivation –

1.  So what do you have planned for this week???

2.  How much journaling do you do in your LO’s???  This week make an effort to add more journaling to your LO’s!!!


My Week’s Goals –

I think I will take it a bit easier this week….

1.  Keep up with the Memes – or catch up…. LOL

2.  Do some LO’s – the new challenges started at Digitals on the 1st – I have made the list and have been doing some planning….

3.  Do another Faithbook page – journaling page


Non-scrapping goals:

1.  Have a baby???

2.  Start school – TODAY!!!

3.  Do some crochet stuff to blog etc….


So what are your goals for this week???

Also I would love to see your Journaling LO!!!

Please share below using Mr. Linky…




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