iPad – Friday

Yes, this is a day late, but I spent yesterday watching my Grandbaby. I did a little bit online, but not that much when taking care of an almost 2 month old – and he just took priority! 🙂 But I did take my iPad Pro with me and that is what this all about. Now of course, you can do similar things with other tablets, but I may be biased, I know that you can do a LOT more on the iPads. I have watched a lot of Tom Solid’s videos. So I am actually trying to go paperless as possible – other than crafts stuff! I really like that if I have my iPhone or iPad, I have pretty much all the info I need.

You probably have seen how I have been writing in these posts this week – that I use my iPad a lot. When I purchased my 2018 iPad Pro, I was hoping that I could use it as my only computer. Because of the lack of a good file system and external storage management, I did end up getting a Mac mini. Now that things are set up with the Mac, I can decently access these things. When we got our new printer, I had to have a computer to set it up as well. With the Mac mini – I also got a new 4K monitor, to replace the one I gave my son, which he has with my old computer as well. I LOVE being ALL Apple now – it is so much easier to share files with all my devices!

So in the recent past, I would have LOTS of sticky notes all over my desk. They would lose their sticky and sometimes get lost. So I needed a new plan. Yes I do occasionally use sticky notes – but that is to remind me of something unusual. I am using Good Notes 5 for my planner, as I mentioned in the post on Monday. I do have sections that I can post things that I need to remember, ie drop Shadow settings for Affinity Photo. I also have the Weekly spread that I shared with you on Monday as well. I really like having less clutter – and more organized ways of finding my info. I can always improve and even streamline my stuff.

If there are some things that you would like to see about how we can use technology in your every day life, please comment below.

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