We Believe Blog Train – October 2021

Wow it has been a LONG time since I have posted and done a blog train…. almost ready to really getting more involved again. I am not sure what ALL I will be doing this next year. BUT I have been creating my own drawings (watercolor etc) on my iPad. I really am enjoying this. I quickly did the bee, using line art. But I did join last minute….

We are so glad that you have joined us for this month’s Blog Train – Sweet is the Soul. We might be small, but there is a wonderful selection of items for you! Be sure to stop at each of the blogs….

Nellie Bell

A-M Designs

Lori Imel Designs

Crystal’z Colorz

Trace Elements Art

Here is mine…

Download here or Dropbox

Sorry this was delayed this morning, I kind of forgot how to post. Or at least getting into the routine again…. I pray you enjoy this freebie!!!


7 thoughts on “We Believe Blog Train – October 2021

  1. Hi Lori,

    So glad you are back! I look forward to your designs each month!! Thank you so much for your generosity and sharing your talent!

    I have been wondering about Sunny Rush. I really enjoyed reading her updates and seeing her designs. Are she and her husband alright? I had her email address, but can’t find it. Sometimes cleaning out your email is not such a great idea! Any information that you might provide would be greatly appreciated. I know you might not want to put anything in the comments, but even a quick generic clue about her health and welfare could be sent to my email at denise_burden3@yahoo.com

    Thank you!

  2. I’m a bit behind … thanks for leaving up the links; I love this! Especially the word art/verse! Thanks so much for sharing your creations!

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