I tried to make Peanut Butter Chocolate Heaven by Allyssa, but using healthier ingredients. It was not nearly as sweet, so some of my family did not appreciate it as much. I also forgot that my husband does not like peanut butter and chocolate together – but it was for my daughter’s birthday. My youngest daughter (10) really liked the coconut sugar version. I did make 2 versions – 1 with coconut sugar and the other with Pyure (stevia blend). Of course the on plan
THM version is with the Pyure.
There are 5 layers to this dessert – 1 Oreo crust, 2 Peanut butter cheese cake, 3 Peanut Butter Cups, 4 Chocolate pudding, 5 Peanut butter and Oreo topping. Use a 9×13 pan.
Layer 1 I made this Keto Oreos recipe, with a few alterations.
2 1/4 cup Almond Flour
3 TBS Coconut Flour
4 TBS Cocoa Powder
1/2 tsp flax meal (or xanthan gum)
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup coconut sugar (or 1/4 cup Pyure) – or add for your taste
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, mix all the dry ingredients. Then add the wet ingredients except the egg, add more sweetener if desired. Take 3/4 of the dough and roll (or pat) it into the bottom of the lightly greased 9×13 pan. Put the remaining dough on a cookie sheet and roll it between 1/8-1/4 inch thick. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Allow to cool
Layer 2 Peanut Butter Cheesecake
1 1/2 cups whipping cream
1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 cup Coconut Sugar, powdered (in blender) or (1 tsp Pyure) or more to taste
2 cups of Kefir Cheese (or 2 8 oz pkgs cream cheese)
1 cup natural peanut butter (no added sugar)
Whip the cream, cream of tartar, vanilla extract and sweetener, until stiff peaks form. Combine the cheese and peanut butter in a separate bowl. Carefully fold in the cream, then layer it onto the “Cookie” crust. Chill while making peanut butter cups, or use some that you already have on hand.
Layer 3 Peanut Butter Cups I made Briana’s recipe – with a few alterations
Chocolate layer:
1 – 3.5 oz 85% dark chocolate bar (Lyndt)
3.4 cup coconut oil
1 1/2 tsp Pyure (or more to taste) (or use coconut sugar to taste)
Peanut Butter layer:
1 cup natural peanut butter (no added sugar)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tsp Pyure (or more to taste) (or use coconut sugar to taste)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/16 tsp salt
3 TBS flax meal
Melt the chocolate layer in the microwave, stirring every 20 seconds until smooth. Put about 1/2 into 24 mini cupcake liners. Reserve the rest of the chocolate for the top layer. Chill in freezer, until firm. Mix the peanut butter layer, place on top of chocolate. Then divide remaining chocolate over, you may need to remelt your chocolate. Chill until firm. Next chop up 6 or more into little bites and place onto Layer 2 of the dessert. Chill
Layer 4 Chocolate Pudding – I used this wonderful recipe.
1 1/2 cups whipping cream
1 – 3.5 oz 85% dark chocolate bar (Lyndt)
1 tsp Pyure (or more to taste) (or use coconut sugar to taste)
1 TBS gelatin (1 packet)
2 TBS cold water
Melt chocolate in heavy cream and sweetener (double broiler or microwave), remove from heat. Dissolve gelatin in cold water, then add to chocolate mixture – stir until completely mixed in. Drizzle the chocolate pudding over the top of the peanut butter cup layer. You may be able to spread it carefully once all of it is in the 9×13 pan.
Layer 5 Peanut Butter Cups & Cookies
Chop more Peanut butter cups and break up the remaining cookie. This is the top layer – chill until ready to serve and enjoy!
I made both versions at the same time. A smaller pan with Pyure and 9×13 of coconut sugar for my family. I made the Pyure cookies the day before (I actually cut them out into circles) then added a bit of butter, when I crushed them for the crust. By the time I got to the 3rd layer – I just made 1 version (some with Pyure and other with coconut sugar). So that is why it does say to taste. Plus I don’t like things that are super sweet.