Scrap Twist Designers Blog Train Jan 2021

Wow we now have to remember to write 2021. Recently I have been updating a few things – adding photos to my contacts in my phone etc. So I was viewing some old photos as well. I also have been thinking back where we were almost 20 years ago – that seems crazy… With my parents getting older, they are experiencing more and more dimentia… maybe I should get busy scrapping and writing down more of the memories, before I forget….

I have also been busy trying to get things ready for the new year…. Working on an easier – yet decorative way to do my digital planner – to help keep me on track…. I even looked at apps that might make it easier, but none really hit my creative side – so GoodNotes and my Digital planner is where I am going….

We are also starting a new Bible Reading challenge at church today. Using Foundations New Testament in the YouVersion Bible app. It really looks like it will be a good “study” throughout the NT. So I have spent some of the past few days figuring out how I was going to do my Quiet Time. I did settle on the “paid” version of DayOne app…. I even made a “template” for the “Hear” Journaling Method that goes with Foundations! So now I have a Journal for my Bible Reading, Prayers – Family, Prayers – Others, and a section for sermon notes. ALL in one app! I discovered that I can swipe right and it shows my journals in the app…. For prayers for my family – I added a new post for each of them – and added a pic along with prayers. It is a great way to have my War Room in one place!!! It did go very well this morning!!!

Another goal of mine is to get ahead (well in advance) all of my blog train freebies etc. I am usually working on things not long before their due date. Life has been kind of crazy – but it would be nice to not be doing some of these things at the last minute or even late…. But the craziness of life has left me at times where it is difficult for me to be creative…. Even this blog train, left me thinking how am I going to keep doing this, but once I figured out what I wanted to do – the creative juices started flowing….

Be sure to stop at each of the blogs below to pick up this wonderful blog train freebie we have for you!!!

Marniejo’s House of Scraps
Dancing Tiger Designs
Nellie Bell
Shalis Designs
The Brown Owl
Lori Imel Designs
Moore Blessings Digital Designs
Brandi White Designs
Craft My Faith
Lady DGScrap
Pixels O’ Faith

Here is my 1st one…

Download here or DropBox

I pray that you will have a wonderful New Year – Be glad and sing for JOY!!!


7 thoughts on “Scrap Twist Designers Blog Train Jan 2021

  1. Thank you and Happy New Year! I thought 2021 was going to be difficult to remember to write but typing it in on the keyboard is even trickier! lol
    Stay safe and hope you have a blessed 2021! 🙂

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