Long Time – No See!

I started this post a few days ago, but I have been struggling with what to say… I guess I am out of practice…. LOL I can’t believe that it has been about 6 months since I have written…. life has gone crazy.

Can you believe our baby is now 10 months old??? The other day she started taking a few steps by herself…. She has been crawling for awhile and practically running around holding onto the furniture…. I can’t believe how busy she keep us….

I have been a creative slump for awhile…. I am trying everything to try and get out of it…. I even opened a new store…. Faith Scraps – I have even created a Gallery and a Forum…. but not much happening on any of it yet…. I don’t even know if there is any interest…. But I do have a blog coupon for 50% off your purchase…. coupon: AugBlog08.

A few months ago, my Compaq Laptop was severely wounded when XP tried an update. I ended up having to reformat my hard drive. So I am now using Linus OS and GIMP. Well I have been struggling with designing in GIMP – until today…. I finally figured out how to install Eye Candy on GIMP!!! Yahoo!!! I have done some really neat pages in GIMP but was struggling with elements – no good beveling…. now I am on my way to really designing again!!!

I have joined ADS Designers and today I am joining a Designing Challenge at Funky Playground! Hopefully I will learn a lot of new techniques to improve my designing!!! Tomorrow – ADSD will be sharing our newest Mega Kit – come back and get my piece of this kit tomorrow.

I hope to start a more regular habit of blogging once again!!!



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