While I was doing my Quiet Time with God, one of the verses really popped out at me…
Psalm 146:2
While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing Praises to my God while I have my being.
The Psalmist continued by talking about how God created us – and everything we see. God IS in control. He KNOWS what is going on in our lives. HE LOVES us – He is there for us….s
This is just a neat reminder – to Praise the Lord – no matter what! I am Alive – isn’t that a great thing to Praise the LORD for!!!
I am also reminded of the verses in the NT that read – in All things give THANKS to the Lord…. DO we have an “Attitude of Gratitude”? Are we giving praise / thanks to the One who created us??? For all that HE has done and is doing in our lives???
I pray that You and I will PRAISE the LORD ALWAYS!!!