Hi all – well let’s try this again…. it all disappeared as I was working on it…. something went wonky….
But is that true of things in our lives – they don’t go as we plan. We need to learn, especially as parents to go with the flow – be ready to change our plans as needed. Or we will miss great opportunities to teach our children, or to even meet a need – emotionally or spiritually.
This morning as I was having my quiet time with God, my 2 year old awoke. She settled down in my lap for awhile, so all was fine. But after about 5 minutes she became too distracting. So it was time to change my plans – I know as a Mom of 9 blessings, I need to take care of them. That is my responsibility – that is my pleasure. I look at my children as blessings – even when they are driving me crazy at times…. My 2 year old can be hard to keep up with (I will be 46 in Feb) — and sometimes I think “how am I going to do it” (raising such a young, active toddler) – but then she will give me that look, or a huge hug – and I Praise God for blessing us again!!!
But this got me thinking about life and it’s busy-ness….
The Bible tells us…. Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is the main project that Jesus asked for us to do. Pretty much everything is summed up in this command. So how are you sharing your Faith in Christ??? Who are you sharing your faith with??? Your neighbors next door, down the street; people you meet while shopping; your friends, aquaintences, co-workers, etc??? How about your family??? How about your own children???
Sometimes we are busy doing for everyone else that we forget about discipling / training our children. They are important ones that God has blessed us with – they are precious to HIM as well as the world around us. They should be more precious to us – since they are from our own flesh…. I challenge you to take the time to train your children – to share your faith with them. Let them know why you trusted Christ as Your Saviour!!!
Be sure to do this today, look for an opportunity to talk to your children / family!!!
I Praise You God – for Blessing us with a Wonderful Family!!!
Today is Tuesday’s Twists (I just updated the names)….. I challenge you to do a LO – but Journal about your faith / something God has been doing in your life lately. But, here is the twist – make it as a kids LO. Write it to your children – explain it so that they understand it….
I will upload mine later – as we are in the middle of school….. I do things, especially in the beginning of our school day – hanging around if they need help with their math etc…. 🙂
Here is my LO….