19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[a] and in your spirit, which are God’s. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Hi all – well this passage has a powerful punch… Do we Glorify God in our bodies??? How can we do that???
- Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit – where He dwells, given by God
- We are not our own – we belong to God
- We were bought at a price – What price??? Jesus DIED on the cross for OUR sins
- Therefore – all of the above is why we should glorify God in our bodies, and in our spirit because we belong to God!!!
So how are some ways we can Glorify God in our bodies???
- What we eat – are we eating healthily??? Do we eat tons of junk food??? How does what we eat effect our body? energy? strength??? DIGG???
- What we do – are we active or passive??? How much exercise do you get??? Now it does not have to be a routine – but do you walk etc??? DIGG???
- What we wear – does it bring an unusual amount of attention to ourselves??? DIGG???
- What we eat – do we read God’s Word daily? Are we eating tons of junk food – TV, music, books etc that are not spiritually healthy??? DIGG???
- What we do – are we active for the LORD??? Do you exercise your faith??? DIGG???
- What we wear – Do people know that we are Christians??? When you are shopping??? at home??? at work??? where-ever you are??? DIGG???
DIGG??? Does It Glorify God???
Personally – I struggle at times in some of these areas. Actually God is always working on me in ALL areas of my life!!! AMEN!!! DL Moody once said ” the closer I get to God, the worse I feel”. The Apostle Paul also said these types of statements. There is always something more that God can do – to fine tune us to become more like HIM!!! I thank God – that HE cares enough to keep working on me!!!
My Personal Goals:
- Eat – continue to eat in a healthy manner- I am pregnant and I crave sweets right now…. LOL About 1 1/2 years ago I had some health issues that required that I lose some weight. In one year, I lost 65 lbs – by just eating a very healthy diet. Lots of fruits, vegs, etc.
- Do – well I am on bedrest right now with my pregnancy. But as soon as I can after the baby is born, I plan on starting my walking routine (dvd – Leslie Sansone). I just love it!!!
- Wear – LOL I am almost out of clothes as the baby continually grows and grows….
- Eat – my routine got messed up during this pregnancy. Now I praise the Lord that I have been doing these verse of the day devotionals!!!
- Do – Share God’s Word thru LO’s and challenges, be a good wife & mom, etc
- Wear – that people won’t have a doubt that I am a Christian. It won’t be by just what I say, but how I act.
These are my prayers – I pray that I continue to grow in the LORD and I continue to ask myself DIGG???