Today I want to share with you a LO I made today!

kit – Sunshine Artz’ My Little World
With the economy being the way it is, I know there is a lot of people out there whose immediate future maybe shaky…. People losing jobs, money not going as far as it used to, cost of gas, food etc….. Sometimes these things can seem so overwhelming. There is only one place we can go for peace of mind – to God. He is the one who is in control! He knows our needs. He can give us the peace that we need to face the Giants that are before us.
I did a Theme Thursday Challenge over at Hummie’s World today. The theme was “Blah” and I wondered how I would be able to scrap something blah. I am generally a cheerful person – resting in the Peace that only God can give. But today, I was struggling. In fact, I was in a pretty “blah” mood. But I did not want to scrap about that…. when I started to look at the kits I had, I knew that I had nothing that was blah either…. So as I was thinking about what I could do, I was listening to my Christ Tomlin CD “Hello Love”…… as I was listening I thought about how the blahs were going away – as I listened to how God is with us in everything we do. When I heard the song above, I knew it was the one I needed to do the challenge about….
I thank GOD that HE IS in CONTROL!!! That HE will take care of us – that HE LOVES us so much that HE sent HIS only Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, and that He rose again on the 3rd day and lives in Heaven! I thank GOD that Jesus’ death completely paid the price for our sin – which was death. Have you trusted in Jesus – that He died for YOUR sins? Please do so today…. we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. This might be your last chance to choose HIM….