Latest Kits and a New Store

I have been busy this past week updating my personal store!  There has been some other changes on my blog…  Do you like the tags under my menu items?  I also have a new menu item – Store…  I discovered WooCommerce for Word Press and it is a great Plugin to show off my digital scrapbook items.  I love that this store is compatible with my blog design!  I had a great time setting it up for you!  I need to have a big sale here!  Look for the sale – either later today or early next week!  I have a few more things I need to take care of today 1st….

Here is my latest kit – Patience!

@ ScrappyBee  MyMemories  Living4Him2


Another of the 5 Fruit of the Spirit Series that I have finished is Joy


This is such a vibrant kit and filled with so much joy!

@ ScrappyBee  MyMemories  Living4Him2

Finally – have you seen my kit God Bless America?

This kit is a great celebration of our freedom!

@ ScrappyBee  MyMemories  Living4Him2


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