Are you blessed? There are so many ways I have been blessed! A wonderful family, a warm house (when it is super cold outside this week), a reliable car, a variety of food to eat etc. There are so many things I can be thankful for! I am also thankful for the wisdom and creativity that God has given me, as I am using it to try and get into good routines. I hope to share more about making a digital journal!
Today I want to share with you the next verse – not the whole passage, because there are so many blessings in this next verse!
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
From this verse we can see that God is blessed! He is the Father of Jesus, who gave Himself up to take the payment for our sins. Wow that is a lot – that He is blessed with giving His only Son – God LOVES us that much!!!
Next, we see that we are blessed in Christ. That is definitely so true. If we look at ALL that God has done for us…. He loved us so much that He sent His only Son. God knew the punishment for sin, was death (forever separated from God), but He gave us the gift of Jesus’ death on the cross to take our punishment on Himself. Wow that is LOVE!!! Praise God – Jesus did not stay dead, He rose from the grave and is preparing a place for us to live with Him for eternity.
But what do we have to do to receive this free gift? Believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We need to be sorry that we have sinned, by turning away from them and turning to God who LOVES us so much! By talking to God and asking Him to forgive our sins and have Him be your Lord and Savior!!! We are definitely blessed in Christ!
But that is not all!!! We are blessed with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. Just think about that…. It is not just earthly blessings, but ones that are so much better! Blessings that will last forever! We will be spending eternity in heaven with God! Can you imagine what it will be like? I know this – it will be wonderful – being face to face with our Creator, who LOVED us so much!!!
What are your blessings? Are you blessed in Christ?
What a great blog train and kit. And I am blessed with all of these free items. I am on a strict budget and this allows me to be creative and save money.