The verse for today is one of my favorites….
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
It is a great verse on how we should treat others.
First we are to be kind to each other. This is thinking about other’s needs. Being highly concerned with others – being nice to others. It is treating others with respect, friendship, in a loving manner…
Next, we are to be tenderhearted to others. Having compassion towards others. Look at their circumstances and try to understand what they are going through…..
In every caring relationship – we will need to forgive others. Things happen, we are in a sinful world – we will get on others nerves. We NEED to have a forgiving heart – remember God forgave us through Jesus Christ of so much more….
If we follow this simple verse – our relationships will be so much happier! We will be at peace with others. We will have very meaningful relationships….
The most important part of this verse is to remember what Jesus Christ did for you….
He came to earth as a baby….
He grew to be a man….
He was tempted in all things – but never sinned….
He – the spotless Lamb of God – became the payment for OUR sins. He willingly died on the cross to save us from the wrath of God. He became the full payment for us – we can live eternally with God – only because Jesus died in our place.
Have you believed in this wonderful thing that Jesus – the Son of God – did for you?
I thank God that He loves us so much…..
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