Wow April has been really busy. I am not sure if you know, my hubby is deployed – so I am trying to keep up with everything while he is gone. We have 9 kids – I homeschool, design digi-scrap kits etc – so sometimes life gets very, very busy! That is just normal everyday life…. but when we are having to deal with little crisis – ie about $1000 in van repairs – life gets crazy…. LOL
But through all of these crisis etc – I have been doing well this month. What is the secret of my success – a relationship with Jesus Christ! I know that God is in control – no matter what happens – I see God’s hand. He provides friends to help replace car parts – safety in getting home etc. I know that whatever happens that God is with me – and He loves me.
Today in “Keys For Kids” – we were reading about the firm foundation we have in Christ. When we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins – we have that firm foundation. When the storms / crisis come into our lives we can stand firm – relying on Jesus to take us through. We don’t have weak foundation – we have a foundation that will stand firm!!!
I thank God that He loves us so much – that He gave His only Son to die in our place – that He walks with us in all of our storms / crisis!!!
Have you trusted Jesus? DO you believe that He died for your sins, so that you can have eternal life with God? God loves you so much that He does not want for you to perish! Trust Him today!!!
Come to Faith Scraps and get this template for free…

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